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More About My Journey.

Sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees.  We don’t know the questions to ask, because we are covered with fog.  We have so much external stimuli, we can’t focus.  We can’t narrow down our thoughts to even begin to imagine a particular direction.  How do I quiet those voices, so I know where I’m supposed to go, or what I’m supposed to do.  I often need my tribe to help me find perspective.  They say it takes a village.  For me, my tribe is my village and so much more.  I get to learn from my friends every day; they help me see what lessons the universe wants me to experience.  I get to choose how situations affect me today.  Instead of acting randomly like a boat upon the ocean roughed up and tossed by the waves of the storm, I have attention to detail.  I can batten down the hatches of my life and ride the storm out until the sea becomes a placid lake of glass where peace reigns supreme.    Peace and balance were always elusive creatures in my past.  No longer.  Today, I listen when the universe speaks.  I listen when that small, still voice inside me screams for attention.  Five years ago, I learned that a brave little girl inside me wanted and NEEDED attention.  Giving into her desires taught me what my soul needed.  My journey included a lot of tumultuous waters.  Learning to surf the tsunami of life has been a humbling and exhilarating process, and I have so much more to share, to love.  Becoming the water is a continual evolution to enlightenment. 


University of Texas at Austin

University of Texas at Austin

DoTerra Wellness Consultant

Neuroliguistic Programming

Bachlor of Arts in English Literature, Minor in Linguistics

Paralegal Studies

Essential Oils, Vitimans, Wellness Consultant

NLP Practicioner





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